My first “very own” pony was named Cindy. She was purchased for $40 at an auction (including saddle and bridle) because she was deemed untrainable. The truth was that she was frightened to death of people, and rightfully so after suffering from many years of abuse and neglect. I loved Cindy from the first moment I laid eyes on her.
Not having a clue what I was doing, I set out to train her and build her trust. Slowly but surely, she came around enough for us to leave the paddock and head out for a ride on our own. About a quarter of a mile from home for the first time, I remember feeling so proud. It was pretty much precisely at that moment that Cindy bolted, then spun around. I flew into the dirt as she galloped home. For the next twenty days that scene replayed itself - we headed down that road, she bolted, I hit the ground, and she left me in her dust. On the 21st day though, I stayed on. Cindy had taught me to ride.
With the help of books and hours of daily practice, my riding ability improved and I began to compete. At age thirteen I turned professional and went on to train and exhibit Arabian horses. Although I moved on from the equestrian world in my early twenties, working with horses taught me many lessons that have served me well. Those lessons include that patience and kindness pay dividends, that self-discipline and work ethic are the great equalizers, and that intuition can be as important a tool as reason. And those lessons continue to help me each and every day as I navigate the exciting real estate market in Greater Vancouver.
One of the best parts of being a Realtor is meeting and working with people. I feel very fortunate to have the opportunity to work with clients to find them the perfect home or to help them ready their home for listing, and then guiding them through the sales process. I would be pleased to put my experience to work for you!
- Jacqueline